Monday, October 22, 2012

Recap: Hershey Half Marathon 2012

Yesterday (how was it only yesterday??) I completed the Hershey Half Marathon in 1:50:33.  In general, it went by quickly and was fun.  I had some stomach issues, feeling kind of nauseous during the whole race, which wasn't super fun.  I also had to keep reminding myself not to go all out, since the Marine Corps is my main event this season.  The course was pretty hilly as well, so that part wasn't great.  So why do I describe it as fun?  I mean, it was a race through an amusement park with chocolate, chocolate themed mascots, and a trip to the Hershey spa for a chocolate massage afterwards.  How could it NOT be fun?

However, I'm doubting the wisdom of doing 2 big races 2 weeks in a row.  There are a few things to consider if you're thinking about doing this.  First, I have serious guilt issues with racing.  Typically, I have someone there with me and often they aren't running.  I dragged my mom to this race even though she's coming to the Marine Corps in DC this weekend.  Yes, she wanted to come and be with me, but at what point is it not fair to do this to loved ones?  She had to eat a crappy dinner at a local restaurant, stay in a crappy hotel, and wait outside in the chilly weather at the start line and yet I'm the one who gets a medal?

Second, I am worried about my time for the Marine Corps, although I don't think this race will affect it too much.  I was generally using this as a training run and did have to tell myself several times to slow it down.  So I think I am in good shape for 26.2 miles, especially since this race felt...short.  Yes, I was tired afterwards, but we went straight to the car and I've been fine since.  The only concern is the slightly still upset stomach that is lingering. 

But I felt stressed running this, almost like I was cheating on the Marine Corps Marathon.  I kept thinking, "if anything is going to go wrong, PLEASE let it happen today and not next week!"  That is not a great feeling.

I think I'd be fine doing something like the Goofy challenge in the Disney Marathon (for those of you who don't know, that is a half marathon on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday).  And maybe if I keep doing this, I won't feel so anxious.  But I think I might prefer to space these out just a TINY bit more in the future....

Haha, I say this now.

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