Friday, October 26, 2012

Countdown to Marathon #8

The Marine Corps Marathon is in less than 48 hours.  I am beyond pumped up.  In fact, I'm at the point of anxious, which is weird.  It's unusual for me to stress about a race and I have a feeling that it has something to do with my expectations for time.  Now that I've thrown it out there, I won't necessarily take it back, but I don't really enjoy putting this kind of pressure on myself.  Races are for fun, not for time!!

I went and picked up my packet yesterday, the first day of the expo.  It was relatively empty (relatively with 30,000 participants) and of course extremely well organized.  I went by myself and was in and out fairly quickly, although I did browse the booths and bought some presents for myself :)  But I kept feeling so anxious and I was trying to identify why as I waited to arrive while riding on the metro.  Did I think they would suddenly decide not to give me a bib?  Would they take one look at me and think, "you're not a runner?"  Would I fall on the metro escalator and bump my head?

But none of these make any sense to me, not even in my current state.  However, the expo did help to calm my nerves (temporarily).  I love going and seeing people.  I'm always amazed at all of the different kinds of people who run marathons.  People may not initially realize this but marathons don't separate, divide, or judge.  They bring us together. 

For example....some of you may have heard about the little hurricane that might be coming through.  If you go on the Facebook page for the marathon, everyone is hopeful, supportive, and encouraging.  No one is saying that the fast people should run and everyone else should give up.  When a newbie posts something about their fears, they are greeted with overwhelming positive feedback. 

I love running because every time I do a race, I find a new community and a temporary family.  We're all in it together and that is one of the reasons why I race. 

I may never qualify for Boston but I'm trying not to care.  After all, that's not why I started running and it's still not why I run. 

I can't wait for Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!

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