Monday, October 29, 2012

Marine Corps Marathon 2012

I'm sure you're on the edge of your chair, wanting to know if I qualified for Boston, so I will go ahead and answer that question: no.  I ran with the 3:35 pace group for 20 miles and then lost them at a water stop.  We didn't stop at water stations and I have a tough time drinking water from a cup while running (something to practice?).  After 20 miles, I just didn't feel like sprinting to catch up.  So I finished in 3:44:39 - a new PR.

I learned from this marathon - I do not like running with a pace group.  I found it to be very stressful!  Watching balloons bouncing from the sign made me feel dizzy and while I was fine with the pace, I was anxious about keeping up.  I really do enjoy running on my own.  In all of the official race photos, you can see me running with the pace group.  And I'm not smiling at all!! I forgot one of my own rules for a while - have fun!

By mile 20, I didn't really care about Boston.  I wanted it to be fun again.  I will have to work on new fun tactics for my next race...suggestions welcomed!

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