Thursday, August 28, 2008

Running in the rain (legal): the equivalent of running naked (illegal)

Ok, first I’d like to say that I’ve never really run naked, and that sounds pretty darn uncomfortable to me, physically and socially.

But this morning I got up at 5 again (why do I not run at night?!?!) and did a 10 minute ab workout before jetting out the door for a 5 mile run. When I woke up I tried to figure out if it was raining (cause obviously I am not crazy enough to run in the rain…right?) but I didn’t hear any so I pulled myself out of bed with the promise that I would get my mileage in this week.

However, when I went outside, I saw the cars with their wipers on and I realized that there was a steady drizzle falling. But…it was 5:30. I was dressed. How could I deny myself the endorphins?!!? So I set off down the street and consoled myself by telling myself that I have graduated to the level of “crazy runner who defies the weather.” I figured there were 2 approaches I could take here: either send a few four letters words towards Mother Nature, or go for the less combative approach and embrace the fact that I am even closer to nature and the world. Figuring that if I flipped off Mother Nature I would inevitably find a slippery spot on the sidewalk and break my elbow or something, I decided to “become one with the earth” (oh no, this may be a direct result from all that yoga!). and a funny thing happened – I wasn’t forcing myself to run in the rain, I was enjoying it! It was great! It wasn’t too cold, so I was still sweating but it all mingled with the rain water. It wasn’t pouring, but it was steady enough to drench me thoroughly. It was the most relaxing and freeing run ever, which was why suddenly, right by the Capital, I was struck by the idea that this was probably like running naked…at least, that’s the best comparison that I could come up with. There were a few important factors contributing to this – it was a light rain and it wasn’t too cold…it was dark out. Twilight/dawn. The sun was just starting to break when I got home.

Cause the sun still rises, even when it rains. Sometimes that’s when the sky is the most beautiful.

I guess that’s what they mean by “silver lining…”

Mileage: 5 miles
Total mileage/$ earned: 13 miles/$13

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