Monday, August 18, 2008

A Running Buddy

DID YOU KNOW....that there are tracks you can buy on itunes that are basically a personal trainer crooning in your ear with music specifically selected to match the tempo you are aiming for?  These tracks last about 40 minutes or longer and can help you in your training.  They also cost about $10 each cause you get a whole bunch of songs in there, as well as a personal trainer who resides in your ear (this is a major benefit because you're not worrying the whole time if they're bored or thinking how fat you are, etc.  I love personal trainers but I have a hard time doing everything they say cause I wonder if they're judging me).  Because they cost more than 99 cents, I have never invested in one before; this and I also have developed the uncanny ability to talk to myself while I'm running so I never thought it was necessary.  But I signed up for the Nike Human Race 10k on August 31st and they sent me a free track entitled "My First 10k."  I was incredibly skeptical, but since it was free, I figured, "why not?"  So I downloaded it, stuck it in my work out playlist and set out on my run.  
I started off skeptical, was a believer for a while, and then faded back to "eh."  I'm actually pretty impressed by the whole idea and it definitely helped to have someone telling me when to run faster and when to pull back a little.  The music, being free, was naturally not incredible, but it was a mix of Latin American songs, so you know it had energy and it was actually a pretty good mix.  BUT you know me, I have to recognize the songs to pump myself up, otherwise it really just doesn't work, so I got a little bored.  Luckily, it was only for 40 minutes, so I still had about another 40 minutes to listen to "my music."
By the way, another great song for running: Moby's Bodyrock.  It's great cause the entire song has about 4 words that just repeat over and over and over again and it's very energizing.  Not so great for sprints but it will help you power through a workout. 
In the area of nutrition...I went to a Harris Teeter today - an AMAZING and MAGICAL place it is!  I wandered in amazement and sheet joy.  I bought the ingredients for a new recipe that I found in Runner's World and made it tonight.  I would highly, highly recommend it, so now for.....

Cinnamon Chicken, taken from Runner's World Online (click here for recipe)
Delicious!  It's not the easiest recipe I've ever made (I actually TOUCHED raw chicken, um ew) but it certainly wasn't that hard.  As the recipe says, you let it stew for an hour so it gets very tender and the flavor is excellent.  And, another bonus, you don't have to go out and buy a bunch of weird ingredients.  Sometimes I look at a recipe and I think it sounds really good but it calls for all these weird spices that I would probably only ever use for that particular recipe.  Now that's fine if you're old and rich (or young and rich, but that's far less likely), but if you are a poor, recent college graduate who can usually get a free drink but not free spices at the grocery store, buying a new spice every time you want to make something new can get pricey.  So this recipe works overall, and you could even share it and feel proud.

OH YES.  My marathon goals.  I know you were waiting for this.  So naturally I'm getting way ahead of myself, this is only my first marathon but I've decided that I want to keep training and running races until I get my time down to 3 hours and 40 minutes.  Why, you ask?  Because then I will qualify for the Boston Marathon!!!  I've decided that this is one of my life goals.  

Speaking of insanity, did you see the winner of the Olympic Women's Marathon?  She finished in 2 hours and 26 minutes...that's less than a 6 minute mile.  Consistently.  CRAAAAAZY.

I could do that.

If I really wanted to.

But...I don't.


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