Sunday, August 17, 2008

Food is your Friend

Today I made the unfortunate decision to have a "super-duper-kick ass- intense-beyond belief" workout day.  I set my alarm clock for 7am and dreamed that it was going off at 6:26am so I just got up and went out and ran 9 miles.  Then I took a shower and went downtown and did a yoga class that ended up lasting an hour and a half.  And it hurt - a lot.  Also we had to start class with "ohm" and reciting some weird chant a bunch of times and the instructor started talking about pyranas or something and about earth, fire, wind and water and I wondered when Captain Planet was going to burst in.  We had to start class sitting cross legged, which is a personal challenge, because my hamstrings are so tight.  Sitting cross legged, we began to focus on our breathing.  This is the part where everyone's eyes are closed except mine, so I try not to snicker audibly while I look at everyone and pick at the dead skin on my toes because I can't sit still (my feet are all torn up from running, what can I say?).  Then I met a friend for lunch, stayed downtown, shopped (oh details, details), went to church and then rushed home and went out for another 11 miles.  
Ow, ow, ow.  Also, I might have done all this on a cliff bar, a chicken salad, half a piece of chocolate cake, some yogurt, coffee, and tortilla chips.
That was the dumbest thing ever.  I threw up in my mouth twice during my run tonight (only a little bit) and now it is 10pm and I have absolutely no desire to eat anything.  You're supposed to eat within an hour of doing a hard run (the reason why is escaping me at the moment, I just remember that it's really important).
Drat.  This is not how I'm supposed to feel after a super duper whatever I said workout.  I'm supposed to feel like superwoman!
I really have to pay more attention to my nutrition.  Sometimes I skip meals, I know I don't eat enough protein, and I eat more sweets than my fair share.  So that's definitely something to work on.  
Repeat after me: food is your friend!  You like food.  Food must enter your body at regular intervals.  Food must be colorful, include valuable nutrients, and be fresh and healthy.  
More later this week...I know I've dropped off a little.  Remind me to tell you about my future marathon goals.

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