Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I am RUNNER, hear me....roar?

One of the things that's been on my mind lately: I've taken to calling myself a "runner." I don't know when that happened. For a long time, anytime anyone called me a runner, I'd say, oh no, I wouldn't go that far, it's just a hobby. But somewhere in between the 3rd and 4th marathon, I've started to adopt the title. Someone asks "oh, you're a runner?" and my response will be, "yes."

But am I?

what IS a runner anyway? I am and always will be a human being. And a girl. But will I always be a runner? Am I runner if I stop doing marathons? Am I a runner if I never compete in any races? Am I a runner if I never qualify for any race? Am I a runner if I don't like to run in the rain (I don't)? Am I a runner if I wear Nikes? What about if I run barefoot? What about if I run really slow?

What makes someone a runner? I can't figure it out and I can't figure out why I'm suddenly comfortable calling myself one. It seems cocky and a bit insulting to all the real runners out there to give myself a title like this. But then again...what distinguishes a "real runner" from me? I can only think of 2 things:

1. speed
2. endorsements

And perhaps real runners don't even consider things like this. Maybe they just know.

Can I ever overcome the hurdles I've set up for myself and finally allow myself to just be "runner?"

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