Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Product Review: Luna Moons

On Sunday, I decided to go for a long run. I went out for about 3 hours in the heat of the day, which was really dumb. I have a big welt on my left hip from where my fuel belt rubbed. I was very hot and slow by the end and had to walk for a bit. I don't know how far I went but I was out for a looong time.

I decided to try Luna moons, because I've been telling people that they can try the gummies instead of the gels. I've personally been a big GU fan since I started out, but I figure I can give it a shot. I got the pomegranate flavor (when are they in season btw?) and I was excited to try them. I started out running and I was waiting and waiting and waiting for the first 5-6 miles to go by so I could eat one.


They were really soft and chewy, but that was irritating to me. I wanted them to be gummier but at the same time I was frustrated by chewing because my mother taught me to chew with my mouth closed. When you're running and it's 98 degrees and humid out, it's really hard to close your mouth to chew. The gummy stuck to my teeth for a few minutes afterwards, meaning I had to close my mouth again to try to get it out. I thought that was really irritating and I missed my GU, which I can suck down with ease.

However, there were definitely some pluses. They are quite tasty, mmm. Not a weird or bad flavor at all and almost more pleasant than chocolate GU. Certainly more refreshing. Also, I could eat a pack over the course of an hour, meaning that I didn't just eat and go, I could actually get the benefits over a longer period of time. But maybe that's bad - after all, there's only 100 calories in one pack. You need to be getting those in your system during a long run.

I'll probably buy them again cause they're tasty...but I think GU is still the way to go.

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