Thursday, July 23, 2009

In Favor of Running in the Morning

I know I've talked a lot about how much I love to run in the morning. I know that very few of you believe me, but recently I've just been overwhelmed by how different DC is at 5:30am. Right up till about 6:45, it is a completely different city. Most mornings, I just go down to the Washington monument and back. For anyone who's been to DC at least once in their life, you must have horrible memories of all the tourists standing around in the intense heat, cyclists trying to get around you, obese children dripping ice cream on your foot. It's nothing like that early in the morning. There are a few other runners who silently give you a respectful nod as you pass, as if you somehow share a bond. Cyclists whiz by you without a word, because there's actually room on the sidewalk. Cars drive by at a slower pace, because there's no traffic and no need to accelerate so early in the morning. Usually as I head back the sun starts to rise over the Capitol and the sky behind the Washington Monument turns a golden pink.

In other news, I've found that I can still register for the Marine Corps marathon or the NY Marathon (2 weeks after the one in San Fran) if I join a charity team. Temptation is great, but I need to focus on swimming. But why not take a stab at another one? After that winter is upon us and it will be difficult to do another one until next year...

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