Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Athlete in Civilian Clothing (thanks MOM!)

Yesterday, I worked from home. I was supposed to go to a meeting that was never confirmed and then I just never put pants on. So I stayed home.

In the back of my mind was my mom's voice, "I sent you a present." I love presents. Presents are fun. I'm also incredibly easy to shop for, since I like almost anything. New underwear? I'm game. A wind-up toy? Favorite gift EVER! Running sneakers? I love you, I love you, I love you! She actually had just sent me new sneakers last week (they are fantastic), so I was really surprised when she called me last week and told me that a present was coming my way.

I'm excellent at guessing gifts. Every Christmas I am prohibited from shaking because I always end up guessing. So I was pretty confident that I knew what this was. It was one of 2 things:
1. a shoe wallet
2. a toy for my cat, Dexter

Why? Because I've been bugging her for weeks about a shoe wallet (I lost mine). And because she bought my sister a cat toy for her own cat this week so I figured she couldn't resist. So all morning and afternoon, I ran up and down my apartment building's stairs to see if the mail came.

By 6pm, UPS came up and hand delivered my package, haha.

The box was not the correct size for either a shoe wallet or a cat toy, but in a traditional sense. You got me stumped, Mom. I eagerly ripped it open, confused, excited, wildly surprised. I stuck my hand in and found...a glasses case.

OH NO SHE DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!

OH YES SHE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She sent me my very own, beautiful pair of OAKLEY SUNGLASSES!!!!!!!!!!

OMG THEY ARE SO COOL. I walked around all last night in them (I ran in the morning). They look so awesome and hard core. I go from civilian to athlete in no time. They are so perfect for my upcoming races!

Let's recap.

1. It is, in fact, possible to surprise me.
2. I look extra cool when I'm running.
3. No longer will I squint.
4. I can now run after work instead of before work.
5. I have the BEST MOM in the ENTIRE WORLD

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