Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Social Runner! (pick me!!!!)

A week ago, I got a really interesting email. As you all know from diligently reading ALL of my blog posts (cough, cough), my very first race was the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in 2008. I had so much fun and loved it so much that I signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon that fall. I've been hooked ever since! I have been doing the Cherry Blossom run every year since then (thankfully I have made it through the lottery each time and even got the chance to run it with my mom TWICE). Let me tell you - it is a great race. It's a popular race and so it's pretty big. The course is beautiful and the energy is great!

But that was just the back story...back to that interesting email. It was an email from race organizers giving some updates on the upcoming 2012 race. And it included a very special new section:
"The Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run is looking for two runners from anywhere in the United States to be our first “Credit Union Cherry Blossom Social Runners.” These individuals will be telling the world all about their experiences with the race on Facebook and Twitter."

What a great opportunity! I'm so happy to see that they are offering something like this. I would absolutely love to help spread the word about the race and I'm looking forward to seeing who they pick! No matter what, it's going to be another beautiful race in 2012!

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