Monday, March 30, 2009

A Quickie Post That is Longer than Regular Ones

Lots to cover today, lots to cover. Are you bored at work? Are you tired and trying to stay awake? Are you trying to fall asleep? Are you trying to find inspiration for a run? Find all that and more in today's post....

I guess I'll start with today, since it is freshest in my mind. Today I went to the gym at lunchtime. Why? A few reasons. Sometimes I don't get home until after 9 or 10 because I go to the gym and then run errands after work/make out with my boyfriend. Another reason is that I found an interesting work out for lunchtime that promised to kick my butt in under 20 minutes. Find that workout here:

I guess it was good. I guess I feel more toned and energized for my afternoon. I guess I enjoyed doing weights, which I haven't done in a million years. I guess it's good to have my afternoon free. But there is something about a 20 minute workout that does NOT do it for me. I called my boyfriend afterwards and he mentioned something like, that's barely enough time for you to warm up. Which is completely true, considering that many of my workouts are over an hour. I don't know if I can really get behind a 20 minute workout, but I'm trying. If I could take one day a week and switch to a power lunch workout (power lunch is better than quickie workout), I could have another free afternoon, which my poor cat would like very much. I feel like a very irresponsible cat mommy, leaving him alone all the time.

So the jury is still out on the Fitness Magazine work out - why don't you give it a try and tell me what you think? Thanks, I'd appreciate it.

This weekend I also saw my cousin, whose wedding I'm in in 2010. We had a really nice dinner and we discussed the idea of blogging. I have to admit, I have mixed feelings about this whole deal, as much as I love doing it. We agreed that there are strict rules to adhere to when blogging, like keep it related to a hobby or critiques of some sort (movies, books, music, politics...) and don't relate every detail of your life. So I will NOT tell you what we had for dinner, even though it was delicious.

We also realized that we have a lot in common, probably because of genetics. My family, in case I haven't mentioned it before, carries the worry gene. I'm not sure if this is scientifically proven yet, but anyone trying to prove it should contact me and study my family. It seems to run more in the women, but it definitely carries from generation to generation and I think it gets worse each time.

Pondering this later, I realized that running has really become one of the main things that keeps me from going insane. Whenever I'm sad, tired, scared, worried, panicked, anxious, happy, hungry, ok not hungry...bloated, excited, angry, etc, I get out there and run. It alleviates the bad things and enhances the good things. I think being outside and being able to see things that I past and know that I'm getting somewhere is a positive experience.

Anyway, that's the majority of my rants. Congrats to my coworker who completed a 10k in 1 hour, 2 min! Also, I'm currently in the midst of drafting a marathon training plan for anyone interesting. "in the midst" = the idea has occurred to me. I'm willing to personalize any/all plans.

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