Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The backs of my thighs

I think I've officially decided that I sincerely dislike bikram yoga. Sorry, Dupont studio, but no endorsement for you. I went again on Sunday and couldn't even make it through one pose without having to sit down, EVEN THOUGH I was sitting by a window. For shame, Bikram yoga (of course it's not MY fault). I went with boyfriend and with a friend who easily touched her forehead to her knee...life is so unfair. All those flexible people.

I've found an interesting flaw in my body. In general, running and chasing my cat around my house and cycling classes and occasional swimming (cough) keeps me in shape. I've even started doing ab classes. But the other day I noticed that the backs of my thighs are less than taut. They're not flabby per se, but they're certainly not up to par with the rest of my body. The fronts of my thighs (I believe those are the quads) are, dare I say, ripped. My calves have and probably always will be one of the most muscular areas of my body. My butt, in case you were wondering, isn't exactly a big sack of fat attached to my body either. However, the backs of my thighs, an area often overlooked, need some TLC. Or the opposite of TLC whatever that is. I'm immediately starting to do squats and lunges again at least twice a week (did them on Sunday...still feeling it). But what an odd thing to notice. Why wouldn't the backs be the same as the front? I use my whole leg when I run, in fact, I use both of them. So why is only half how I want it?

Some girls worry about their stomachs. Some worry about their butts. Some worry about their arm flab. Some worry about their whole thigh. But not me.

I'm so low maintenance.

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