Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I like to do stuff just to do it. I planned a trip to China not particularly because I had a huge yearning to go to China, but because I really wanted to check it off my life list. I like to do stuff. I wanted to go, but I wanted to go just to go. I think life is too short to leave off anything just because it seems hard, or far away. There are some problems to my approach though. It can mean that if something doesn't interest me, it means I don't want to do it. I drag my feet. I avoid it like the plague. But that's not really the best solution. It also means that I often do something, like a triathlon, just to the point of surviving it. Sure, I finished a triathlon, but I didn't really do very well. I trained just enough to squeeze by, but not enough to triumph. And the biggest problem that I usually encounter is that once I finally finish it, I discard it. I cross it off my list and wipe my hands off (or take a shower, if it's dirty enough).

Marathons though, I've stuck with. I've done five now and I'm going to keep doing them. Maybe I won't always do them incredibly fast (fastly?), but I'm going to continue to do marathons until my knees have to be replaced and even then I'll do some more.


5ks. I've never been a fan. 3.1 miles? Why bother? But I signed up for a series of 5ks on Fridays in April by my new apartment. And it was SO MUCH FUN. My goal was just to improve my time every week. I did meet this goal (ok I skipped one week, but I did do 4) and I did much better than I expected to. I ended up coming in 22nd out of 745 women in the last race, clocking in at 22:20. TWENTY TWO MINUTES. That is 7 minute miles!

Maybe now I will do more 5ks. I would really like to get faster overall. Maybe if I keep doing fast 5ks, my marathon time will improve!


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