Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A To-Do List for Life

I think that goals are important. I'm an extremely hyper person who is always doing something and having a concrete goal can sometimes help me focus my attention (but often I am left with bits and pieces of ideas strewn about my brain haphazardly). So every once in a while, I put on paper some of my life goals.

For all of you wondering how this is relevant to running, one of my life goals was to run a marathon - now it's to qualify for Boston. And I ran 5 miles this morning and it's still really cold in DC. Ok, now we're going to focus on feelings and my random thoughts now, thank you.

Is it weird to put my goals on a public blog? It certainly makes me more accountable to completing any/all o them. And I'm sure that some will change eventually. And I'm thinking maybe I won't post all of them. But I'd like to just talk freely about some of the things I want.


1. Qualify for the Boston Marathon. This is obviously no secret and I'm in the process of working towards this one.

2. Get EMT training. This is a new one from this morning and it was inspired by 2 things. First, last night there was a huge earthquake in Haiti and they desperately need help. I heard on Democracy Now radio this morning (my new ipod has radio, I know, I'm way cool) that if you are EMT trained they will send you to places that have natural disasters. I would like to go to Haiti today and help but without any training, I'd be more of a burden than help.

3. Visit 100 countries. So far I've hit up 20. Let's go, I don't have 100 years to do this!

4. Do an ultra marathon, which is defined as any race that's longer than the traditional marathon. 50 miles? 100 miles? I'm not sure yet. I think I have to do a few more marathons before I try this. And this will undoubtedly happen in another country to help with #3.

5. Do karaoke. I think this is doable. Maybe. Perhaps. If I ever work up the nerve/develop a taste for sake.

Ok this is NOT my full life list. This is more like my adventure list! Which is lame! Because there's not a ton of "adventures" on here! But I don't really like nature/camping etc, so a lot of the traditional adventures are not on my list. Plus I've already done some of it. Like a safari. Already crossed off my list. Also, swimming in the Potomac. Crossed off my list FOREVER.

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