Friday, September 11, 2009

1 day, 15 hours to go

How did it go from 12 days to 1?

Tomorrow, I will be eating dinner with friends and family. And in a little more than 39 hours, I will be in the Potomac. And in a little less than 45 hours, I will be a triathlete.

Wow. Feeling a little overwhelmed. I haven't really been sleeping well since I'm starting to get pretty nervous. Today I have to go to my race orientation and get my number and my packet. They have a half hour mandatory information session. The whole thing is really intense and professional. It makes me feel like an Olympic athlete! And why shouldn't I, it is an Olympic sized tri! (never mind that I am not actually an Olympic athlete).

I probably won't post until it's over, so I really just want to say thank you to everyone who's offered their support over the last few months and days. I'm really touched by everyone's encouragement and that is seriously what will keep me going through this race. I know that I am very lucky to have people who will come out and cheer me on!! It means so much to me just to have someone remember that I'm doing this. So thank you thank you thank you!

You like me, you really like me!!!! (CLICHE!)

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