Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I ran 6 miles on Friday, bringing my current total to 52 miles and $52 earned.  Then I took Saturday off, thinking that I might run on Sunday.  Instead, I decided to take a yoga class, the same one that I took the previous Sunday with the awesome instructor.  
Only she wasn't there this time.
Now, I'm not afraid to say that this was the WORST class I've taken at Flow Yoga because everyone else absolutely loved it and asked the sub when she usually teaches - therefore, I know that I'm not bruising anyone's fragile ego.  For me, this was the most painful, the most boring, and the biggest waste of $13 that I've spent in a long time.  I don't know what it was, but I was in pain during the whole class (maybe this should have been my wake up call), with everything from Down Dog to something Sunny Faces (?!?).  I don't know why people do this to themselves out of anything but necessity.  And we had to hold every position for like TWENTY minutes.  Ok...that might be pushing it a little, but it was just endless.
The worst part though, was that almost immediately afterwards, I felt incredibly sick.  I went to church afterwards (note to self: do not return to a Cathedral in yoga pants, you will be underdressed) and couldn't even kneel because I felt so nauseous.  When I went home, all I could handle for dinner was some cereal and that was a huge mistake because that just made me feel worse.  
I woke up the next morning with lower back pain.  I've never had back pain before, in fact, I think I was one of those mean people who scoffed at it as wimpy.  But let me tell you something, nothing is more painful.  Apparently (thank you Dad, for the info), your pain receptor in your brain is right next to your nausea receptor and my pain was so intense that I couldn't even eat 1000 calories on Monday.  I took a nap after work and then went to bed at nine.  I was incredibly overheated.  I had to ice my back.  I had to take painkillers.  I woke up over and over again despite having taken a sleeping aid.  I woke up this morning and felt like you do when you're super sick - my lips had that nasty coating on them that makes you feel gross and my body just HURT everywhere.  I took a shower and my skin ached.  I had to sit down just to blow dry my hair because standing provoked such nausea.
(Ok this sounds really serious, and I swear it's all true, but my mom claims that I am a slight hypochondriac, so it is possible that my mind made this feel worse than it actually was, but that's not the point...the point at this moment is that you should a) be feeling very sorry for me and b) loathe yoga with all your might.)
But to add insult to injury, I've still managed to eat way below my calorie line today, and I'm kind of scared to run.  Putting food into my body only seems to cause more nausea and while the back pain has eased up, I'm nervous about throwing it completely if I push too hard.  So I might have to take another day off tomorrow, which would mean that I've gone almost a week without running, which just really irritates me.  I know that it's good to take time off, but I don't really WANT to take time off.  I feel like I must be gaining weight, which is ridiculous since I'm hardly eating.  I'm exhausted, which is probably also due to not eating, but also because I'm one of those people who has to work out to feel normal.  I just do not go this long without physical activity.  So maybe that's the problem.  Maybe if I run tomorrow morning, I will feel better!

If I can drag my butt out of bed at 5am, I am so testing this.

Friday: 6 miles
Total mileage/bribe money earned: 52 miles/$52

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