Thursday, July 2, 2009

Take that, cyclists!!

Today I'm writing in response to an article I found in the NY Times. I read something about this a few months ago and wanted to include it, but then couldn't find the study again. The Times pulled through for me though, so here we go!

So apparently, cycling isn't all it's cracked up to be. You can crack a lot of your bones in it. Hahahha. Cough. For some reason (they don't seem to have determined why yet), cycling causes bone density to drop severely, resulting in bones breaking more easily. Which is horrible, since when you're on a bike, you're traveling pretty fast and there's usually/often lots of cars and crazy children on tricycles around. What would be a good way to prevent that? OH OH OH I KNOW!! Add running into your training!

I think triathlons have gotten a bad rap recently. People think they're dangerous and scary, but really they prevent things like broken collarbones (or induce them by bringing people like me in who never would ride a bike otherwise). But seriously, all that cross training has to be good for people. It's forcing me out of my comfort zone and slowly I'm learning to appreciate it. Last night I went swimming and felt like my stroke was a little bit stronger. It made me feel really good, like I had accomplished something. Actually, not "like" I accomplished something, because I really did! I've gone from afraid to swim to eager to improve. Not bad for a fish out of water!

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