It probably goes without saying that because I have signed up for 2 marathons and an ultra, I am going to get injured. I really don't know what made me so cocky. I'm not superman, no way. Although I am starting to bear a certain resemblance to the Greek (Roman?) hero/immortal/dude-god, Achilles.
Achilles tendinitis is a doozy. I knew that it hurt like a mother, cause my mother actually has it (hahahha. horrible joke). I started to feel it the other day and so I've been icing it periodically, but this weekend, I decided to skip my 13 mile run and do the bike instead. I definitely do not have a major case - it's not swollen or red and it only hurt a little bit after running. It's not hurting in the morning or in the middle of the night, like it can when it gets really bad. When it started to hurt, I did some internet research and found out that this is NOT an injury you want to run on.
I think that runners are pretty willing to run through anything, but in this particular case, that is a HORRIBLE mistake. If you keep running on it, you can actually rupture it. Doesn't that sound horrible? I mean, you don't tear it, strain it, or twist it. You rupture it. I can't think of anything worse.
HOWEVER, if you catch it early, you can fix it. You don't have to suffer from this forever. Here's what I'm doing. We'll see how it pans out:
1. ICE. Ice it after running. Elevate and ice.
2. STRETCH (but not too much). One of the worst things you can do with this injury (per my mom) is overstretch it. Ha. Everyone is always telling me to stretch, but here it could actually backfire. So I'm skipping the typical stretches and instead doing this: stand on one foot and with the other outstretched slightly, form every letter of the alphabet with your toe (the one that's elevated). Switch feet. Also, standing on one foot and swinging the other back and forth.
3. STRENGTHEN. Do lunges, lots of lunges. Side lunges, forward lunges (I keep wanting to type lunches instead of lunges....perhaps it's time for a snack), backward lunges. Lunge, lunge lunge. Strengthen your calves by standing on your tiptoes on a stair and go up and down. does that make sense? If not, let me know and I will try to clarify.
4. finally, STOP RUNNING. For a little. It can't possibly hurt too much to take a week off and do some biking, swimming, and yoga. It won't. I promise. Just please stop for a minute or something is gonna rupture, and you KNOW that won't feel good.
The Achilles Tendon is one of the biggest in your body. It's also a big pansy, apparently. Sigh. Oh well. Off to ride the stupid stationary bike.
PS. Thanks to my mom for her insight on this horrible, horrible injury.