Friday, July 16, 2010

A 24 hour race??

I am...



But I feel so guilty. A marathon is one thing to expect people to attend; a 24 hour race is not something that I was really counting on anyone to come to. I mean, sure, I thought I might guilt-trip my boyfriend and parents into making it for a few hours. But now it's turned into a trip with a hotel and people planning their entire weekends around selfish little me.

It's been driving me crazy and kind of killing my excitement.

I think this might be the kind of thing that you sign up for with an equally crazy friend and then make it into a weekend trip. My problem? I haven't actually been able to find someone who's willing to take it to this level of extreme with me. Don't get me wrong, all of my friends are EXTREME and I love them. But no one is willing to run all day with me, what gives folks?

Putting aside guilt, I have to just be thankful that I have such amazing people in my life who are willing to go the extra mile and be there for me. And that allows the joy and the adrenaline to flow back in. I'm really falling in love with the IDEA of a whole day dedicated to running. Now let's see how it goes with the actual action!

Wish me luck, in less than 48 hours, I'll already be done with it!