Friday, February 27, 2009

40th Post Blowout!!!!

How have I only posted on this blog 40 times? I feel like I'm always talking and there should be hundreds of entries filled with my wit and anecdotes.

Maybe it's just that my 40 entries are EQUIVALENT to hundreds of entries because they're so darn long. Some people don't even read my blog cause it's just so daunting (you know who you are). I talk a lot.

Yesterday I got up at 5 to run and when I was on my way back home I heard some weird noises. I had just downloaded some new Britney (do NOT judge me) and I was thinking that she had some funky sound effects that were annoying instead of funky, but then I realized that stuff was hitting me on the head too. Was Britney, the queen of pop, able to add not only sound effects but atmosphere when you listened to her songs? No, actually it had started to hail. Ouch! I was almost home but I congratulated myself on being so hard core to be running in the hail.

Should I keep this entry short?

Do I even know how to do that?

Let's give it a shot...till next time my darlings...keep running.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bikram Yoga and a Half Marathon

Perhaps I should save this post for until I have a real opinion on Bikram Yoga. But let's face it, patient we are not, and I am as eager to share my thoughts as you are hungry for my words, so let's get this post going!

Bikram yoga (or hot yoga, as I call it) is a series of 26 stretches and like 3 breathing exercises (ok I don't know that part, but there's definitely 26 stretches. I think. I've never been able to count) that you do in a room heated to 105 degrees at least with 40% humidity. So basically as soon as you walk into the room, you start sweating and you feel like you're going to pass out. Awesome.

So far I've done this a whooping two times. The first time, I thought I was going to pass out or cry during most of it (did I mention this goes on for 90 minutes? yeah didn't think so). I’m pretty sure that I audibly moaned a couple of times, but I don’t really remember. I hobbled out of the studio that night and cursed my boyfriend, who had done it before (and gone with me for moral support) and told me that I would love it. I was downright cantankerous for about an hour after it ended and I vowed never again would I put myself through such torture.

Naturally, I returned 5 days later. This time, I barreled my way over to a window spot and was pleasantly surprised to have an instructor who did not tell me to breathe through my spleen or anything weird like that but rather kept saying stuff like, “why are you all frowning? This is yoga guys, it’s fun, you’re having a good time now!” while simultaneously keeping the class super focused and intense. Being by the window definitely helped, I felt a lot less like I was going to vomit and pass out in said vomit. I guess I might try it again soon. It’s the same poses over and over again, so you just focus on improvement every time. And while that sounds like it could get boring, I guess the heat provides new challenges and torture with each class. But still, no endorsement yet.


Yesterday I quietly signed up for a half marathon. Now I’m loudly announcing it on the internets. Oh yeah and it’s in less than a month, HA! I’m very excited, it’s on March 21, all I have to do is roll out of bed and out the door cause it starts right by my house! So, a quick run at 7am, back before 10. I figured it would be a good motivator and a good experience to have on my running resume, which is suddenly starting to expand rapidly. Let’s see…by the time I do the triathlon, I will have done:

~Cherry Blossom 10 miler, 2008, 2009 (April 5, 2009, mark your calendars!)
~Marine Corps Marathon 2008
~Jingle all the way 10k 2008
~National Half Marathon 2009
~Run Amuck 5k (completely dependent on if I can get someone *cough boyfriend* to run it with me…you run a 5k through obstacle courses, rope courses, over walls, up hills, and through mud IN COSTUME)
~Nation’s Triathlon

I think I need to find some more summer races to do. I also need to find some open water swims since I’ve like never done that. Ever. When I was little and we went to the beach I used to avoid the water and just make lame, ugly sand castles before complaining that I was bored.

OH, I am also in line to get my BIKE, a necessary piece of equipment for a triathlon! My mom’s friend has very sweetly offered her old bike that she used for a triathlon in the past!

Lots of news for you, sorry to have been AWOL for so long. I leave in a few hours for a weekend getaway in London (no joke) and tea with the Queen (joke) so this will kind of be a rest week for me, which I HATE, but it just means that I have an excuse to up the intensity when I return.